11일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <남아프리카민주주의간호사조합(DENOSA) 성원이었던 템비사병원의 보조간호사 리보 모넨느의 죽음에 대해 그의 가족과 친인척들에게 세계노총은 조의를 표하는 바이다>고 발표했다. 

성명은 <전세계적으로 증가하고 있는 성범죄는 반드시 노동계급적인 노동조합들에게, 그사건들이 단순한 단일사건이 아니라 여성노동자들이 처한 이중착취에 기반한 사회적 현상으로 벌어지는 성범죄라는 경각심으로 돼야 한다>라며 <노동계급적인 국제노동운동의 차원에서 세계노총회원국들이 국가적 차원에서 여성노동운동을 강화할 것을 강조한다>고 호소했다. 

세계노총은 여성노동자들을 위한 <노동환경에서 존엄을 존중할 것>, <동일노동・동일임금>, <공동출산수당>, <공동사회복지>, <노동현장에서의 보건과 안전 보장>을 요구했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

The World Federation of trade Unions sends its condolences to the family and relatives of Lebo Monene, an assistant nurse at Tembisa Hospital, South Africa and her union the Democratic Nursing Organisation of South Africa (DENOSA).
The increasing cases of gender violence worldwide must alert all the class oriented trade unions, they are not single cases, gender violence is a social phenomenon based on the dual exploitation of the working women. The class-oriented trade union movement internationally, the affiliates and friends of the WFTU have been engaged in national efforts to strengthen the working women’s movement.
For the class-oriented trade union movement, for the WFTU, the struggle against the dual exploitation of the working women and the anti-labor reforms that add further burden to them and for the satisfaction of the contemporary needs of the working women have always been a priority.
The World Federation of Trade Unions, since its foundation, has been firmly struggling for working women’s equality and for the improvement of their position in all areas of their social life. One more time, we join our voice with the working women and support their demands:
Decent work and dignity at work
Equal pay for equal work
Maternity benefit to all
Social benefit to all
Health and safety at the work places!