4일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <11월29일 5대륙 133개국 1.05억 노동자를 대표하는 세계노총은 팔레스타인민중에 연대하는 심포지움을 개최한다. 심포지움은 영웅적인 팔레스타인민중에 대한 국제주의적지지와 연대를 공고히 한다.>고 발표했다. 

성명은 <한해동안 이스라엘의 팔라스타인가자지구에 대한 공격으로 인한 기록적인 긴장도가 이어졌다. 공중에서 이뤄진 이스라엘의 공격으로 120명의 팔리스타인인이 살해당했고 850명이 상해를 당했다.>고 밝혔다. 

이어서 <이스라엘의 제국주의적 범죄정권이 자행하는 팔레스타인형제・자매들에 대한 제노사이드를 즉각 중단하라>라며 <국제연합과 유럽연합, 그리고 다른 국제적인 조직들은 현재진행중인 용납할수 없는 형국에 대해 큰 책임이 있다. 그들은 실제적으로 이스라엘정책을 지지한다.>고 규탄했다. 

끝으로 <세계노총은 세계노동계급에 팔레스타인투쟁과 함께 투쟁을 강화하고 국제주의적연대를 표현하기 위한 실천의 장으로써 국제심포지움에 참가하길 호소하는 바이다>라며 7개의 요구사항을 명시했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on 29 November, the WFTU, representing 105 million workers in 133 countries, reiterates its firm internationalist support and solidarity with the heroic Palestinian people.
The last year has been marked by an intensification of the Israeli aggression against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where more than 120 Palestinians have been murdered and 850 injured by Israeli air strikes, while Israel has deployed ground forces near the Israeli border.
We express our full, firm and long-standing class solidarity with the people of Palestine and their struggle for an independent homeland. We actively reject the genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters perpetrated by the imperialist criminal government of Israel.
The UN resolutions on the recognition of Palestinian rights are not implemented because the geopolitical and economic interests of the State of Israel and its allies prevail. The UN, the EU and other international organisations bear a great responsibility for the ongoing unacceptable situation; in words they pretend to be just, but in practice they support Israeli policy.
In the same spirit, there are also other trade union organisations, that in words support the Palestinian people but in practice ally themselves with Histadrut and the murderous state of Israel, serving the plans of the governments and imperialist unions in the region. It is them who put both the victim and the assassin in the same position and have Histradut cadres in their leading bodies.
In today’s circumstances, the workers of Palestine need to strengthen their comradely relations with the WFTU, which has stood by the side of the Palestinian people from 1945 to the present day. It is necessary for the trade unions to reject the corrupted union leaders, the puppets of yellow unionism.
The WFTU and its members have been showing for 76 years their solidarity in practice through visits, meetings, actions, demonstrations, protests and practical internationalist aid to the people of Palestine, as only workers know how to stand by the side of other workers. Proletarian internationalism was and will be the keystone on which the huge edifice of the World Federation of Trade Unions was built.
The internationalism of WFTU cannot be sold nor bought off
In this context, the WFTU calls on its members and friends and all class oriented trade unions to strengthen their struggles and express their internationalist solidarity with the Palestinian struggle by participating in the international symposium of solidarity with the Palestinian people and by contributing even more to the campaign for the collection of basic necessities.
We demand:
Recognition of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders and east Jerusalem as its capital
The end of the settlements and the withdrawal of all settlers who have settled across the borders of 1967.
The demolition of the separation wall in Jerusalem.
All the Palestinian refugees to be granted the right to return to their homes, based on the relevant decisions of the UN.
The elimination of any exclusion against the Palestinians in the West Bank and the Gaza strip.
The immediate release of imprisoned Palestinians and other political prisoners kept in the Israeli prisons.
The withdrawal of the Israeli army from all the occupied territories of the 1967, including the Golan Heights and the Sheba area of Southern Lebanon.
The World Federation of Trade Unions has been and will be on the side of the Palestinian people until the final victory.
Long live the struggle of the Palestinian people!
Date: November 29th, 2021
Time: 16.00 Greek time
Meeting ID: 835 2461 7528