8일 세계노총이 18차 총회에서 선출된 팜피스 크릿시스 사무총장의 연설문 전문을 공개했다.

크릿시스사무총장은 <세계노총은 길고 영광스러운 투쟁의 역사를 이어나가고 있으며 현정세에서 특히 전세계를 아울러 노동운동에서 협력과 지도라는 매우 중요한 역할을 가진다>라고 말했다.

이어서 <조지마브리코스의 자리를 이어 받으며 큰 책임성을 자각하고 있으며, 조지마브리코스전사무총장은 17년동안 세계노총을 보위한 동지이다>라며 <위대한 조직발전의 여정에 세계노총의 영광과 영향력을 확대하는데서 필수적인 동지였다>라고 평가했다.

그는 <세계노총의 운영에 있어서 관료주의나 행동하지 않음 또는 숙명론을 배격할 것이다. 세계노총의 지위와 역할은 모든 대륙에서나, 어떤 산업에서나 결정적이며 매우 분명하다.>라며 <사무총장의 역할을 다 하기 위해서 나는 여러분의 지지와 협조를 필요로 할 것이며, 그에 대한 믿음을 갖고있다>라고 밝혔다.

계속해서 <18차 총회에서 우리는 국제노동계급운동에서의 건설적이고 실제적인 우선순위와, 더 강화되고 단결된 노동계급의 투쟁전선을 수립했다>라며 <자본가들을 우리를 해산시키거나 침묵하게하거나 동화시키지 못했다. 우리는 세계의 균형을 바꾸고, 숙명론과 항복에 저항하고, 노동자들의 권리를 옹호하고, 단체교섭과 단체협약을 보호하고, 사영화와 사회보장제도파괴에 반대하자는 결의로 이 자리에 모여 무장했다.>라고 강조했다.

다음은 전문이다.

Dear colleagues, brothers and sisters, thanks for the election
I am aware of the responsibility I take on. WFTU carries a long and glorious history of struggle and in the current conditions it has a very important role to play in coordinating and guiding the class-oriented labor movement throughout the world.
I feel this responsibility even greater having in mind that I replace George Mavrikos, a comrade who has sealed with his 17-year presence at the helm of WFTU, a course of great organizational development and substantial expansion of its prestige and influence. A comrade with morals and political weight who with his personal example managed to inspire again the respect in the leadership and the procedures of our Federation, after a difficult period of regressions and uncertainty.
When we agreed that WFTU should continue to exist and and that after Havana a new beginning should be made with new leadership and modern, democratic and transparent processes, I know very well how heavy the burden was lifted by the leadership and the Secretary General of the WFTU and how big progress and improvement has been made.
Obviously I undertake in better conditions. The operation of our Federation today is not characterized neither by bureaucracy, neither by inaction and nor by fatalism. Today it is an active organization, operating in a spirit of collectivity and democratic participation, having positions and proposals and having active members whose presence and role in all continents and in all sectors is essential and very distinct. Nevertheless, in order to fulfill my role, I will definitely need everyone’s support and cooperation. And I’m sure I will have it. Especially of comrade George Mavrikos, whom of course we do not demobilize but we will certainly use him in every possible way. The same goes for other comrades with a great offer who after this congress will be included in the honored category of WFTU veterans. Our 18th Congress has highlighted with clarity the fields in which the Global Class Trade Union Movement is called to give its battles and to realize its goals. It has set priorities for more productive and effective intervention, a stronger and more united front in workers’ struggles.We have no illusions. The battles that await us will be hard and difficult. In the war between labor and capital imposed on us by the barbaric, exploitative nature of the capitalist system, the balance of power at the moment is not such as to ensure us everywhere and always victorious results. There is no doubt that this balance of power at the global level would be very different, if an important part of the Trade Union movement were not under the dependence and political and ideological influence of the dominant circles of capitalism. If this part would set its priorities in line with the class interests of the workers and not the interest anyone else. In such a case, the ability of workers to resist attacks and impose policies that respect their achievements and rights would certainly be much greater. The situation regarding living and working conditions would also be very different. The class consistency certainly does not characterize the whole Trade Union movement, but it does characterize the forces that unite in the WFTU. That is why the mechanisms of the system have tried and are still trying with blackmail and exclusion, to erase if possible the class pole in the world trade union movement. They tried to proclaim the universal alignment of the Trade Union movement with the logic of integration and assimilation into the imperialist new world order. But they did not manage to dissolve us, nor to silence us, nor to assimilate us. We are here armed with the decisions of our Congress, full of determination to change the balances, to resist fatalism and capitulation, to defend the rights of workers, to defend collective bargaining and collective agreement, to oppose the privatization and destruction of the welfare state. We are here:

• United with collective decisions, with thesis and priorities that unite us, we develop actions, we strengthen solidarity, we lead struggles, we intervene where the decisions concerning the workers are made.
• Organized with a presence in all corners of the earth, with Trade Unions representing over 110 million Members
• Structured with collective leadership and guidance, with regional offices on all continents, with TUI’S covering almost all areas of economic activity.
And most important we are here to inspire workers with the vision of a world without imperialist interventions and wars, without human-to-human exploitation.