14일 세계노총이 <이탈리아가구 중 15%가 지불능력을 상실하면서 이탈리아정부가 콜타노공원 내 피사에 군사기지로 건설하겠다고 밝혔다. 군사기지건설비용은 PNRR의 <생태전환>을 위한 자금인 것으로 드러났다!>고 보도했다. 

보도는 <새로운 전쟁요새의 건축에 얼마나 많은 펀드가 투여됐는지는 알 수 없다. 부지는 73만평방미터에 달하며 이는 사격거리와 훈련캠프, 막사・사무실・창고・도피로・주차장 등을 포함한 군사활동에 필요로 하는 부대시설을 고려한 것이다.>라며 <부지는 수천명 규모의 인구를 어림잡아 디자인되고 있다>고 지적했다. 

남유럽세계노총은 <우리는 이달 22일 노동자・학생이 단결하는 전국적인 시위에 파업으로 동참할 것이다>라며 <전쟁에 동참하고 물가를 못잡는 정부에 맞서자! 군사기지 반대! 총구는 내리고 임금을 올려라!>고 요구했다.

다음은 전문이다.

While 15% of Italian families are unable to pay their bills, with the Prime Ministerial Decree No. 69 of 23-03-2022 the Draghi government has decided to build a new military base in Pisa in the Coltano public park within the park of San Rossore, Migliarino, Massaciuccoli – in the area of the former Radar Center, to be realized through the money of the PNRR for the ecological transition!
The base will be used as the headquarters of the Special Intervention Group of the 1st Carabinieri Parachute Regiment Tuscania and of the Dogfighting Group.
It is not known how many funds will be allocated to the construction of a real citadel of war, on an area of 730,000 square meters, on which it is intended to build shooting ranges, training camps and 440,000 cubic meters of buildings dedicated to military activity: barracks, offices, warehouses, runways, but also gyms, parking lots and townhouses designed to accommodate more than a thousand people.
We can only reiterate our total opposition to this latest slap in the face to the real needs of workers who, in addition to facing a galloping inflation, will suffer the wage freeze that the Draghi government is preparing.
We are ready to mobilize against the construction of the new base together with all those who, like us, oppose the war and the warlike policies of the Draghi government!
The watchwords of the strike of April 22 and the national demonstration that sees workers and students united assume even more importance!
Against the government of war and high cost of living!
No to military bases!
Lower the guns, raise the wages!

USB Pisa