30일(현지시간) 이집트 후루가다시에서 열린 14차 국제아랍노동조합총연맹대의원대회에서 세계노총대사가 개회사를 가졌다. 

개회사에서 세계노총은 <국제아랍노동조합총연맹의 14차 대의원대회의 개최와 지난 기간 승리적인 투쟁에 인사를 보낸다>며 <14차 대의원대회는 세계보건위기 속에서 아랍노동자들과 가족들에게 삶과 노동이 힘들어지고 새로운 경제위기가 시작되는 가운데 개최됐다>고 말했다. 

이어서 <2021년들어 2800만개의 일자리가 사라졌으며 실업자는 10%이상 증가했고 이주민뿐만 아니라 지역노동자들이 의료보호를 보장받지 못하며 비정규직에 내몰리고 있다>고 밝혔다. 

계속해서 <제국주의자들의 개입과 반목은 계속되고 있으며 저들은 부의 이동을 조절통제하고 지정학적인 영향력을 확대하려하고 있다>며 <5월에 우리는 가자지구공격을 통해 이스라엘의 팔레스타인민중에 대한 침략성을 목격했으며, 아프가니스탄에서는 나토제국주의자들이 민중의 희생으로 얻어지는 국가적이익을 계속 약탈하기위해 그바통을 반계몽주의탈레반에게 넘겼다>고 주장했다. 

그러면서 <세계노총은 국제아랍노총이 더 강하게 투쟁하고 반제전선에서 함께 하기를 바란다>라며 <여러분들을 18차 세계노총대회에 초대한다. 세계노총대회는 풍부하고 민주적인 토론으로 진행될것이며 우리들을 더 강하게 투쟁에로 단결시킬것이다.>고 전했다. 

다음은 현장사진과 전문이다.

Greeting speech of the WFTU Representative to the 14th Congress of ICATU on 30.08.2021 in Hurghada, Egypt
Dear brothers and sisters,
Leaders of the trade unions of the Arab Countries and of ICATU,
On behalf of the World Federation of Trade Union, I salute the 14th Congress of the International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions and wish you success in your works.
The 14th Congress takes place at a time when the living and working conditions of Arab workers and their families have been greatly deteriorated by the pandemic and the new capitalist economic crisis. 28.000.000 jobs have been lost in 2021, formal unemployment is over 10% and informal work exposes migrants and local workers to even bigger exploitation without access to health services.
At the same time, the interventions and antagonisms of imperialist states and unions in the region continue, in order to control the natural wealth of the countries and to increase their geopolitical influence. In May, we saw a new escalation of Israeli aggression against the Palestinian People with the criminal Israeli attack on Gaza Strip, which continues with more recent air strikes. In Afghanistan, NATO imperialists passed on the torch to the obscurantists Talibans to continue to exploit this rich country at the expense of its People.
The world class-oriented trade union movement stands in solidarity with the Peoples of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, who have been suffering from imperialist wars that created misery and refugees. We express our solidarity with the SWTUF and the people of Sudan, we demand the end of the attacks against the SWTUF, and the protection of the right to free trade union action for workers and their representatives.
Dear brothers and sisters,
Recently, moves against ICATU have been made by groups that present themselves as trade unions that represent workers in Arab countries, when in fact they support Israel and the plans of the imperialists in the region.
We want ICATU to continue its struggle and become even stronger and we want us to continue working together in an anti-imperialist line. The Arab unions must not become servants of the imperialist plans for the new Middle East.
Against the practice of “divide and rule”, the world class-oriented trade union movement counters that the wealth belongs to the workers and the popular strata of the Arab countries; they must fight together for their own interests, to meet all their contemporary needs and for peace in the region.
We invite you to actively participate in the pre-Congress process of the 18th Congress of WFTU and in the Congress itself, that will take place in the next period, so that its works and decisions through collectivity and rich, democratic conversation, make our big trade union family even stronger for our struggles.
For our part, we assure you that we will support the fraternal relation between our two organizations with even greater force. The WFTU is ready to pave the way for the just Arab causes in every corner of the globe so that you can meet real new friends and true comrades, to find new supporters as well.
We commit that the WFTU will never sit at the same table with Histadrut and we will continue to condemn all trade unions that with their stance legitimize Histadrut and Israel’s plans and objectively assist the US plans for the so-called new Middle East.
Our support for the heroic Palestinian People and their struggle will continue to strengthen until the final victory. We will not abandon our brothers in Palestine alone. We are successfully advancing the international campaign of solidarity and relief along with the GUPW and all of you.
Dear brothers and sisters of ICATU,
In a historical, cultural and universal manner, we are connected with your countries, your Peoples and your workers, by goals for a world without exploitation of man by man. Since the foundation of ICATU, we have walked together, fraternally, with mutual respect and honesty. In this way we will continue stably with you.