14일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <팔레스타인영토를 강점한 이스라엘점령무력의 폭력사용이 계속 증가하고 있으며 매일 제닌, 내뷸러스 등 마을에서 여성과 청소년을 살해하고 시민들을 구타하는 일이 이스라엘군인에 의해 발생하고 있는데 대해 강력히 규탄한다>고 발표했다. 

세계노총은 <1.05억 노동계급을 대표하는 세계노총은 팔레스타인노동자들의 편에 있으며 이스라엘이 전쟁범죄를 당장 그만 둘 것을 요구한다>고 말했다. 

다음은 전문이다. 

The World Federation of Trade Unions condemns the violence of the Israeli occupation forces in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank which is escalating, with daily raids by the Israeli army in towns such as Jenin and Nablus, with murders of women and teenagers and collective punishment of civilians.
34-year-old Mohammad Hassan Mohammad Assaf, a lawyer, was killed by Israeli soldiers during anti-occupation demonstrations yesterday in Nablus. In addition, the Israeli army clashed with young protesters in Bethlehem and Jenin. Later last night, Israeli soldiers killed a 14-year-old Palestinian boy, Kousai Fuad Hamamra, in the village of Hushan, near Bethlehem, where a 46-year-old unarmed mother of six children was killed on Sunday because she was considered “suspicious”. According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, earlier on Wednesday, in Nablus alone, at least 31 Palestinians were wounded and more than 20 others arrested.
The 105 million members of our big class-oriented trade union family stand by the side of the Palestinian workers and strongly condemn the continuous crimes of the State of Israel against them.
We demand the end of Israeli crimes and occupation, the end of the Israeli settlements and the recognition of the free and independent Palestinian State on the basis of 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital.