27일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <국제노동계급의 노동조합이자 1.05억 노동자가 가입한 세계노총은 전적으로 인도노동자의 편이다. 인도노동자들은 전국적인 총파업을 28일부터 29일 2일간 전개하며 정부의 반노동・반민중・반민족 정책에 맞서 싸운다.>고 발표했다. 

성명은 <인도노동자들은 오늘의 파업에 이르기까지 전국 각지에서 집회시위, 파업, 행진 등 다양한 투쟁을 전개했다>라며 <대규모의 전투적이고 결정적인 투쟁은 반드시 결과를 가져온다는 것을 우리는 확신한다. 세계노총은 인도노동자・민중에게 국회의 예산심의에 대해 두번째로 조직한 이번 전국적인 총파업에서 승리할 것을 주문한다.>고 밝혔다. 

이어서 <오직 인도민중만이 인도를 구원할 수 있으며, 오직 인도노동자들이 그들 자신을 재난적이고 반노동적인 모디정부의 정책과 자본주의적 착취로부터 구할 수 있다>라며 총파업을 지지했다. 

세계노총은 <인도정부의 용납할 수 없는 반민중정책을 강력히 규탄한다. 국가자산의 사영화 계획과 노동개악을 무조건 즉각 철폐하라.>고 요구했다.

다음은 전문이다.

The international class-oriented trade union movement, the 105 million workers who join the ranks of the WFTU, are fully stand on the side of the workers of India who are prepared for another great Two Days’ Countrywide General Strike against the anti-worker, anti-people, anti-national Policies of the Indian Govt. on March 28-29, 2022.
We are following the intensification of the trade union struggle in India in the last period with conventions, strikes, rallies, and manifestations in every state and sector in view of the Countrywide General Strike which constitutes the culmination of this long fight.
It has been proven in practice that the massive, militant, and decisive struggle brings results. The workers and the people of India proved it on numerous occasions in the past. The farmers of India have recently confirmed it once again with their relentless fight and the firm solidarity by the working class and the entire trade union movement.
We call upon the workers and the popular strata in India to work for the success of the Countrywide General Strike which is organized on the occasion of the second phase of the Budget Session of Parliament. Only the people of India can save India, only the workers can save themselves from the destructive and anti-workers Modi’s policy and the capitalist exploitation.
The World Federation of Trade Unions congratulates its affiliates for their leading role in the decision, the preparation, and the realization of the General Strike as well as for all the massive and militant initiatives they organized during the last months spreading out the message and the demand of the Indian trade union movement.
The WFTU joins its voice with the trade union movement and the working class of India, demanding the full implementation of their just demands. We strongly condemn the unacceptable, anti-people policy of the Indian government, demanding the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the labor codes and the privatization plans of national assets.
There is no other way for the popular strata to follow but the path of dignity and class unity; the path paved with the struggles and the blood of the heroic working class of India all these years. The path that led to the previous massive and militant strikes that inspired the working people all over the world and reminded the bourgeoisie that the real power is in the hands of those who produce everything and have nothing to lose but their chains.
The Secretariat