28일 세계노총이 <수만의 인도민중이 인도세계노총의 총파업에 응답했다. 노동자, 농민들이 정부의 반노동자・반농민・반민중정책을 중단시키기 위해 싸우는데 대해 호응했다.>고 보도했다. 

보도는 <인도세계노총은 특히 농장법, 개정전기세에 반대하고 농업최저현물가보장을 위해 여러 주들의 연대를 요청하고 노동자・농민을 동원했다. 또한 노동개악과 <필수국방봉사시행령*>에 반대했다.>고 밝혔다. 
*올해 8월11일 총리에 의해 발의, 12일 국회를 통과함. 내용으로 <모든 생산물을 국방에 납품하도록 한다>등이 있음.

이어서 <24일 총파업에 이은 이번 27일 총파업연대는 집권여당과 정부에 나라의 양대기둥이자 반민중・반민족정책에 반대하는 빈농과 노동계급에 관한 강력한 메시지가 됐을것이다>고 말했다. 

다음은 전문과 사진이다.

Tremendous response to the call of Bharat Bandh, signals the mood of workers and farmers to fight to halt and reverse the anti- farmer, anti-worker, anti-people policies of the Government at the Centre. The reports from the states are pouring in regarding total Bandh in several states and substantial Bandh in some and partial in a few states.
The trade unions mobilised in most of the states in solidarity support to the demand of repeal of three farm laws, electricity amendment bill, legal guarantee to MSP and also demanding withdrawal of four labour codes, hated Essential Defence Services Act.
The trade unions in a statement while supporting bandh had called upon the entire working class, who are themselves fighting against the four labour codes, privatisation of PSUs in Banks, Insurance, Steel, Electricity, Coal, Petroleum, Defence, Railways, Ports, Air India, Airports, Telecom, Postal Dept, Space Science and Nuclear Science etc. are demanding universalisation of PDS, increase in MGNREGA budget, to ensure its total success through solidarity actions. The ‘Bharat Bandh’ on 27th September will give an emphatic message to the ruling party in the Central Government that the peasants and the working class, the two major sections that are the backbone of our society, stand united in opposing its anti-people and anti-national policies.
This unity in action would further strengthen the Mission Uttar Pradesh and Mission Uttarakhand campaign, declared in the massive Mahapanchayat organised by the Sanyukt Kisan Morcha on 5th September, 2021.
In Delhi also the trade union activists gathered at Parliament Street, marched upto Jantar Mantar and held the meeting there addressed by Amarjeet Kaur-AITUC, Harbhajan Singh-HMS, Anurag Saxena-CITU, Amar Rawat-AIUTUC, Sucheta-AICCTU, Hannan Mullah-former MP and General Secretary AIKS, Lata-SEWA, R S Dagar-UTUC, Santosh-MEC, Shri Nath-ICTU
Among those who were present included Tapan Sen, General Secretary-CITU, Sukumar Damle & Vidya Sagar Giri, National Secretaries, Dhirendra Sharma, Ram Raj, Mukesh Kashyap of AITUC, Santosh Rai-AICCTU, Narayan Singh-HMS, and Filomina of NFIW, and representatives of Youth and Students Organizations.