28일 세계노총이 <쿠바의 혁명과 건설 역사에서 주된 문제는 미국의 적대정책이었다. 미국은 자기들의 영향권이라고 여겨지는 지역에서 사회주의혁명이 일어나는것을 용납하지 않았다. 미국은 쿠바정부를 전복하기 위해 경제범죄와 경제제재를 일삼았고 직접적인 공격, 사상적인 침투를 감행했다.>라며 <오늘날 쿠바인구는 쿠바민중의 혁명투쟁을 방해하기 위한 미국의 제재와 팬데믹, 고압적인 수단방법에 의해 특별히 어려운 정세를 겪고있다>라고 보도했다. 

보도는 <이러한 견지에서 미국은 여름내 정치적의사소통작전을 조직전개했으나 쿠바민중의 혁명투쟁에 의해 실패했다>라며 <그럼에도 불구하고 쿠바혁명의 적들은 11월15일 이른바 <평화행진>을 소집하며 다시한번 문제를 일으키려고 하고있다. <평화행진>은 불법이라는 주장이 제기됐음에도 불구하고 8개지방정부의 권한으로 소집됐다.>고 밝혔다. 

이어서 <쿠바정부수석대변인은 행진을 위해 합법성을 취득하려는 절차는 그자체로 그것을 결정한 지방정부의 권력이 지역시민들에 의한 것이 아니며, 불복종과 불법시위라는 범죄를 낳을뿐 아니라 지금 강행되는 범죄적 입법시도에 따른 또 다른 범죄를 부를것이다>고 지적했다. 

계속해서 <평화주의의 거짓된 가면을 쓰고 혼돈을 야기하며 국가의 불안정을 유도하는 이들은 해외자본의 지원을 받았으며, <평화행진>에 대해 <다른 나라에서 시도된 <정권교체>를 위한 소프트 쿠데타이다>고 말한바있다>고 비판했다. 

또한 <미국국회의원들과 반쿠바마피아나 다름없는 정치인들에 의한 언론을 동원한 반혁명책동은 악명 높은 것으로 이미 잘 알려져있다>라며 <쿠바정부는 또다시 악마적 시도를 직면한 이때  과거의 교훈을 상기하고 외세에 의해 민중을 불안에 빠지게할 어떠한 여지도 주지 않을것이다.>고 강조했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

The main problem for the development of Cuba throughout history has been the hostility of the United States, which is not resigned to the existence of a socialist revolution in what they consider to be their backyard or area of influence. To overthrow the government of Cuba they have used the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade, direct aggression and ideological subversion.
Today the Cuban population is experiencing a particularly difficult situation due to the combination of the blockade, the pandemic, and unilateral coercive measures taken by the US government to erode the people’s support for the revolution. This is compounded by campaigns of lies, of manipulations that try to blame the Cuban government for the economic difficulties in times of pandemic, and they try to present Cuba as a collapsed country and in chaos to provoke a social outbreak and justify external intervention.
In this sense, the country was the victim of a political communication operation organized and financed from the United States in the summer, which failed due to the support of the people for the revolution, and which sought to show a non-existent social outbreak in Cuba. Today peace and tranquility reign and institutions are functioning normally within the framework of sanitary restrictions due to the pandemic.
However, the enemies of the revolution are once again trying to create problems by calling for a so-called peaceful march for next November 15th. The request for this march was denied on October 12, by government authorities from eight provinces, after considering the nature of the alleged demonstration illegal.
The Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of Cuba warned about the legal consequences of executing the march, making it clear that, if the decision of the local government authorities was not complied with, citizens would incur the crimes of disobedience, illegal demonstrations, instigation to commit a crime or other provided for and sanctioned in current criminal legislation. The procedure of the Prosecutor’s Office is based on Article 156 of the Constitution, which attributes to this body the mission, among others, of ensuring strict compliance with the Magna Carta, the laws and other legal provisions by citizens. In addition, Law 83 empowers the prosecutor to interview, warn, take statements and carry out any other type of diligence that may be necessary. It also foresees the purposes of preserving the rights and interests of state organs, institutions and agencies; in addition, to promote and contribute to the confrontation and prevention of crime, antisocial behaviors and the strengthening of the conscious observation of legal norms in citizens.
Overwhelming arguments made public account for the annexationist nature of the alleged march, promoted by people financed from abroad, who, masked in the falsity of a proclaimed pacifism, seek to generate chaos and induce the destabilization of the country, as part of a strategy of « “regime change” based on the formulas of the well-known soft coup, tried in other nations.
The “enthusiastic” accompaniment that the organizers have had is led by counterrevolutionary leaders of the so-called Council for the Democratic Transition of Cuba, a subversive platform, whose members have openly acknowledged receiving funding from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), with a long history against Cuba.
In addition, the support that the mercenary skirmish has received from US legislators, political operators of the anti-Cuban mafia and the media, who encourage actions against the Revolution, has been public and notorious.
Note how, among the most furious supporters of the provocation are Congressmen Marco Rubio, Mario Díaz-Balart and María Elvira Salazar; the terrorist Gutiérrez Boronat, the infamous Cuban American National Foundation, and frustrated invaders of Brigade 2506, defeated in Girón.
Faced with such evil intentions of the provocateurs, the Constitution of the Republic is very clear about its precepts, which do not give anyone the right to act in favor of the interests of a foreign power or to put citizen stability at risk; Therefore, joining an annexation project is unconstitutional, illegitimate and immoral.
Juan González, main adviser for Latin America to North American President Joseph Biden, in an interview with the Efe agency after the Attorney General of the Republic of Cuba reported on the legal consequences of persisting in the march considered illegal by authorities of the Antillean nation, He expressed that the United States will respond, possibly with sanctions, if it considers – according to the canons of the government of that country – that there was a violation of the fundamental rights of the people of the Island or the promoters of the provocative march are prosecuted.
Carlos Fernández de Cossío, director general of the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MINREX), specified that it is difficult for anyone to still have any doubt about who is behind the farce of the march, to which he added that it is extremely difficult that anyone could think that a government that respects itself would allow such a destabilizing provocation by a foreign power.
Elementos básicos a tener en cuenta:

The Cuban Revolution, conceived in the historical struggles of our people and forged in the face of imperial hostility, has earned the right to exist and defend itself.
It is unconstitutional and unlawful to hold a march whose promoters have the manifest intention of promoting a change of political system in Cuba.
The announced march constitutes a provocation as part of the strategy of “regime change” for Cuba, which has been tried in other countries.
The promoters of this counterrevolutionary march and its political projections obey the subversive plan of the US Government that finances actions against the Cuban people and attempts to destabilize the country.
Since its announcement, this provocation has received public support from US legislators, political operators and the media that promote destabilization in Cuba and urge military intervention.
Article 45 of our Magna Carta states that the “exercise of the rights of individuals is only limited by the rights of others, collective security, general well-being, respect for public order, the Constitution and the laws”.
Article 4 of the Magna Carta defines that “the socialist system endorsed by this Constitution is irrevocable”, therefore any action taken against it is unlawful.
The Constitution of the Republic was widely debated and approved in a referendum by 86.85 percent of the voters, an overwhelming majority that sovereignly and freely chose the socialist system, its irrevocability and the right to fight by all means against anyone who tries to overthrow the established political, social and economic order.
No constitutional right can be exercised against the other rights, guarantees and essential postulates of the Constitution itself.
Related Articles of the Constitution
ARTICLE 4. The defense of the socialist homeland is the greatest honor and the supreme duty of every Cuban.
Betrayal of the homeland is the gravest crime, and whoever commits it is subject to the most severe sanctions.
The socialist system endorsed by this Constitution is irrevocable.
Citizens have the right to fight by all means, including armed struggle, when no other recourse is possible, against anyone who attempts to overthrow the political, social and economic order established by this Constitution.
ARTICLE 45.The exercise of the rights of individuals is limited only by the rights of others, collective security, general well-being, respect for public order, the Constitution and the laws.
ARTICLE 56.The rights of assembly, demonstration and association, for lawful and peaceful purposes, are recognized by the State provided that they are exercised with respect for public order and in compliance with the precepts established by law.