Home 노동 국제 키프러스항구노동자들, 파업투쟁으로 단체협약쟁취

키프러스항구노동자들, 파업투쟁으로 단체협약쟁취

5일 세계노총유럽지역사무소가 <키프러스 리마솔(남부의 항구도시)에서 항구노동자들이 단체협약타결에서 승리하면서 파업을 종료했다>고 전했다.

세계노총유럽지역사무소는 보도에서 <단체협약은 몇주동안 난항을 겪었으나 이주에 새로운 합의에 도달하면서 항구노동자들의 권리를 보장하는 방향으로 단체협약에 노사가 동의했다>고 밝혔다.

그러면서 <투쟁만이 지지않는 길이다>고 강조했다.

다음은 전문이다.

Victory of the workers at the port in Limassol Cyprus, the collective agreement was signed and the strike ended. The struggle of the workers was justified by the signing of the first collective agreement and therefore the strike ends and the workers have already got a job. The workers went on strike when the company refused to agree to the conclusion of the collective agreement.
According to statements by the representative of SEGDAMELIN PEO Christakis Christofi, last week a letter was sent to the company requesting for the signing of the collective agreement. However the company did not respond. Yesterday, after many hours of discussions and after an agreement was reached in the negotiations, the management of the company withdrew.
Today, new discussions took place that reached an agreement and a few hours ago the collective agreement was signed that guarantees the rights of the workers in the port.
Only the struggles that do not take place are lost!

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