Home 노동 국제 세계노총, 스와질랜드민중에 연대의 성명

세계노총, 스와질랜드민중에 연대의 성명

29일 세계노총이 <아프리카 스와질랜드민중의 자유를 위한 투쟁에 전적인 지지를 약속한다>고 발표했다. 


이어서 <우리는 스와질랜드의 전국적인 시위가 민주주의를 위한 투쟁인 데 대해 알게됐다>며 <스와질랜드민중의 투쟁이 단결된 민중민주운동으로 전진하는 동안 세계노총은 수년간 스와질랜드민중의 곁에 있었다>고 밝혔다. 


그러면서 <민중에 대한 군경의 총격을 규탄한다>고 강력히 말했다.


다음은 원문이다. 



The World Federation of trade Unions-WFTU pledges its full support for the people of Swaziland as they struggle for their freedom. We have noted with interests the countrywide protests that seek to bring democracy in that country.

The WFTU has over the years been on the side of the people of Swaziland in their struggle as led by the Peoples United Democratic Movement PUDEMO. We encourage the unity demonstrated by the people in towns, rural areas, factories and farms and across political lines to work together for freedom. In the past we have organised several solidarity activities over the years.

We condemn the shooting of people by the army and police.

We call on the authorities in Swaziland to

  • Unban political parties
  • Allow exiles to return home
  • Release all political prisoners
  • Allow free and democratic elections where the people will elect their leaders.

We also call on all our allied organisations around the world to send messages of solidarity to the people.

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