Home 베스트 세계노총성명 <모든 형태의 아동노동에 반대해 끝까지 싸울것이다>

세계노총성명 <모든 형태의 아동노동에 반대해 끝까지 싸울것이다>

10일 세계노총이 6.12세계아동노동근절의날을 맞아 성명 <모든 형태의 아동노동에 반대해 끝까지 싸울것이다>를 발표했다. 


성명은 <5대륙 133개국의 1억 조합원 세계노총은 세계아동노동근절의날을 다시 맞아 아동인권을 침해하는 폭력과 아동에 대한 야만주의를 만들어내는 모든 시스템에 반대하는 싸움을 계속할것을 결의한다>고 밝혔다. 


이어서 <전쟁, 실업, 가난, 피난, 인신매매, 취약계층의 사회적소외를 낳는 착취적인 사회에서 민중의 근본적인 권리가 침해받고 있으며 아동이 예외가 아닐뿐 아니라 가장 큰 피해자다>라며 <세계적으로 2.5억의 아동이 노동하고 있는 현실은 국제주의적 가치가 요원하다는 것을 말해준다>고 지적했다. 


계속해서 <아동노동은 이윤을 최대화하기 위해 아동의 생명을 희생하는데 주저함이 없는 체계에 의한 범죄나 다름없다>라며 <부패하고 오래된 자본주의체제가 역사의 뒤안길로 보내지지 않는한 아동들은 그들이 주인이 돼야 할 세계를 보지 못하게 될것>이라고 강조했다. 


아래는 전문이다. 



June 12, 2021 – International Day Against Child Labor

We continue the fight against all forms of children exploitation


The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), on behalf of its 105 million affiliates in 133 countries on the 5 continents, reiterates, also on the occasion of this International Day Against Child Labor, its commitment to continue the fight against the violation of fundamentals rightsof the child, against the system that generates barbarism against children; We will continue the fight for a better tomorrow for the new generation.


In an exploitative society, which generates wars, unemployment, poverty, refugees, human trafficking, social exclusion of vulnerable social groups such as people with disabilities as well as continuous violations of fundamental rights of the popular strata, children could not be an exception. On the contrary, they are the ones who suffer the biggest blows.


When there are 250 million children working around the world, the reality is very far from the fundamental principles of international conventions. The UN, UNICEF and the ILO speak of more than 250 million children between 5 and 14 years old, who work in modern hells. At least 60 millions of those 250 million working children are faced with particularly adverse and inhumane conditions (in mines, plantations, industries, child slaves or domestic helpers); 300 thousand children are recruited or kidnapped to serve in armed groups and armies; 100 million children – mostly girls – are out of school while 600-700 million children live on less than a dollar a day. In Europe, 300 to 500 thousand minors work illegally, victims of sexual exploitation, coming from Third World countries. Every day, thousands of minors collapse from exhaustion, working for 14 and 16 hours a day in the labor dungeons of the large multinational garment companies for a few pennies a day.


Once again, the criminal indifference of the system is confirmed, which, in order to maximize its profits, does not hesitate to sacrifice children’s lives. This reality shows the rotten and old face of the capitalist system that will not cease to exist until the “wretched of the earth” send it to the grave of history, so that children live in a world that will be completely theirs.


The fight for a better future for the new generation with expectations must hit the exploitative capitalist system, not compromise, but fight against it, until the construction of a new society without exploitation of man by man.

– The right to adequate food and quality health services

– The right to a universal, free and compulsory education for all children

– The right to leisure and children’s access to all activities capable of developing their personality and talents.


The Secretariat



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