Home 노동 국제 세계노총성명 <단결하자, 우리는 전진한다! 시대적 요구를 쟁취하고 제국주의-자본주의자들의 야만에 반대한다!>

세계노총성명 <단결하자, 우리는 전진한다! 시대적 요구를 쟁취하고 제국주의-자본주의자들의 야만에 반대한다!>

29일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <2022년 노동절에는 <단결하자, 우리는 전진한다! 시대적 요구를 쟁취하고 제국주의-자본주의자들의 야만에 반대한다!>는 구호를 든다>라고 발표했다. 

성명은 <18차 총회에 영광 있으라!>라며 <2022년 노동절을 맞아 세계노총은 모든 대륙의 노동자들, 어려운 조건 아래에서도 생명의 동력인 노동을 하며 세계에 필요로 하는 물질수단을 창조하는 이들에 인사를 보낸다>라고 시작했다. 

이어서 <시카고의 이주노동자들은 1886년 5월 생존권을 위해 싸웠으며, 8시간 노동제를 세움으로써 국제노동계급이 정당한 구호를 요구할 계기가 됐다>라며 <세계노총 대오를 통한 국제노동계급운동은 투쟁의 유산을 존중하며 어떠한 어려운 환경에서도 계속되고 있으며, 시대적 요구를 쟁취하고 착취의 폐지와 노동계급적 여성해방 그리고 자본주의자들의 야만으로부터의 해방을 위해 싸운다>라고 강조했다. 

계속해서 18차 총회에 부쳐 <이탈리아 로마에서 5월 6일부터 8일까지 열리는 세계노총 18차 총회에 기하는 2022년 노동절은 국제노동계급에 중요한 날이다>라고 밝혔다. 

그러면서 <우리는 국제노동계급 앞에 집단적인 총파업과 시위・행진을 노동절 당일 세계 각국에서, 시카고에서의 노동자항쟁을 계승하는 국제주의적인 행동으로써, 매개 국가 노동계급의 시대적 권리를 요구하고 18차 총회의 성사를 위해 전개할 것을 주문한다>고 호소했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

Long live the 18th World Trade Union Congress!
The World Trade Union Federation, on the occasion of May Day 2022, salutes workers on all continents – all those whose work continues to drive the gears of life even in difficult conditions and who continue to produce all essential goods.
The migrant workers in Chicago, who fought and sacrificed their lives in May 1886 for the establishment of the 8-hour day, paved the way for the international working class to continue to demand its rights.
The international class-oriented labor movement, through the ranks of the WFTU, honors the legacy of their struggle and continues under all circumstances, despite the difficulties, to fight for the fulfillment of the contemporary needs of workers and the abolition of exploitation, for the emancipation of the working class and its liberation from the capitalist barbarity.
In front of the 18th Congress
May Day 2022 coincides with the 18th World Trade Union Congress to be held in Rome on 6, 7 and 8 May 2022.
On May Day 2022, this important day for the international working class, trade union militants from all corners of the world will get ready to depart for Rome to take part in the most important event of our class: the 18thWorld Trade Union Congress, to unite their forces against capitalist barbarity and against imperialism.
The WFTU is proud of its members and friends all over the world.
In the past period, there was no corner of the globe that has not been marked by the working class action, with the WFTU members to be at the forefront of the struggle, whether on the pandemic fronts or in social and class struggles. This experience will guide our collective discussions and resolutions during our Congress.
In the current conditions of the deep economic crisis of capitalism and the intense competition between the various imperialist centers for the control of the new markets, our most powerful weapons are INTERNATIONALISM and SOLIDARITY. We stand with the heroic People of Cuba, the Palestinian people, we express our solidarity with the peoples of Venezuela, Syria, Lebanon, Ukraine and we call for the end of war. Every people has the right to decide freely and democratically on its present and future, without any imperialist interference. We condemn NATO’s intervention which has also lit the fire of war in Ukraine. We call for the dismantling of NATO, which in the last 25 years has launched two wars in Europe: in Yugoslavia in 1999 and now in Ukraine, just as it did with the wars in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq.
Today, while technology and scientific progress have helped to increase the social wealth produced, the living conditions of our class have deteriorated. In every capitalist country, the bosses are attacking our class achievements: they are sweeping away wages, pensions and social security, they privatize everything, they don’t hesitate to attack even the sacred right to strike! The strike is the most powerful weapon we have in our hands and we will not allow anyone to limit it, marginalize it or turn it into a dead letter!
In the face of this situation, the World Trade Union Federation calls on workers, the international class-oriented trade union movement to organize mass strikes, demonstrations, rallies on May Day in every country of the world, actions that will commemorate the workers’ uprising in Chicago, to project their internationalism and will demand contemporary rights for the working class in every country, to project the 18th World Trade Union Congress.
Working men and women, young people, unemployed, migrant workers, refugees,
May Day 2022 should be a step forward for the international labor and trade union movement in every country, region and sector. We call on you to join your voices with the class-oriented movement in every country, to join your voices with the voice of the WFTU. With militancy and internationalism we can strengthen our struggle for better labor relations, for better living conditions, for a society without exploitation, for a society where the needs of the working class and the people come first.
The World Federation of Trade Unions calls on its members, its friends, workers all over the world, to raise the flag of the historic struggles of the peoples and to organize the May Day strike once again, as it should be celebrated by the world working class.
Dear comrades,
The WFTU is taking another step forward, organizing its 18th World Trade Union Congress, a Congress that concerns every honest militant, in every corner of the planet.
We invite you to participate massively in its preparation, in its propaganda, but above all in spreading its decisions.
We unite all the militant forces of the World Trade Union Movement for a better world.
Next stop Rome: 6-8 May 2022, 18th World Trade Union Congress.
The WFTU Secretariat
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