Home 노동 국제 터키세계노총, 터키노동자보호 위해 주터키독일영사관앞 투쟁 

터키세계노총, 터키노동자보호 위해 주터키독일영사관앞 투쟁 

18일 세계노총이 <터키세계노총이 이스탄불에 위치한 주터키독일영사관앞에서 독일에 원청을 둔 온라인식품판매기업의 노동자들의 파업을 지지하고 노동자들의 권리를 보호하기 위한 저항행동에 나섰다>고 보도했다. 

보도는 <터키세계노총이 예믹셉티(Yemeksepeti)노동자들이 사측이 제시한 형편없는 임금인상안에 저항해 전개한 투쟁을 18일째 이끌고 있다>고 밝혔다. 

알리리자세계노총대의원은 <독일원청 히어로멀티내셔널이 터키하청과 노동자들 사이의 분쟁해결에 나서야 한다>라며 <터키의 높은 물가상승률은 노동자들이 존엄 있는 삶과 생활임금을 요구하는 투쟁에 나서는 것이 불가피했음을 시사한다>고 말했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

Nakliyat-İş, a member of the WFTU organized a protest action at Consulate General of Germany in Istanbul to defend the rights of the workers employed by Yemeksepeti Company, a subsidiary of German Delivery Hero Multinational with the participation of the employees on strike.
Under the leadership of Nakliyat-İş Union, Yemeksepeti Employees have been resisting for 18 days against the poor wage increase imposed by the Yemeksepeti Company, a subsidiary of German-based Delivery Hero Multinational which has a wide subsidiary network in Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu, a Presidential Council Member of the WFTU made a press release and pointed out that German Delivery Hero was directly responsible for the solution of the dispute between Yemeksepeti Company and its employees. He also referred to the high inflation rate in Turkey underlining the fact that it was impossible to lead a dignified life with the wage imposed on the employees by the company.
After the protest action, a letter was submitted to the Consulate General of Germany by a delegation headed by Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu in which the attitude of Yemeksepeti Company was protested.
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