Home 노동 국제 세계노총성명 <방글라데시 산업재해사망 증가 … 모든 작업현장에서 보건・의료・노동안전 보장!>

세계노총성명 <방글라데시 산업재해사망 증가 … 모든 작업현장에서 보건・의료・노동안전 보장!>

3일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <여러 조사들을 통해 방글라데시에서 산업재해가 암암리에 계속해서 발생하는 범죄로 발생하고 있는 것으로 드러났다>라며 <조사 결과에 따르면 2021년에 5개월동안 코로나19 규제에도 불구하고 산업재해로 인한 사망자수가 증가했다>고 발표했다. 

성명은 <세계노총은 수백의 아이들이 죽임을 당해 슬픈, 생존권을 위해 투쟁하는 방글라데시민중에 국제주의적연대를 표하는 바이다>라며 <우리는 전세계 모든 작업현경에서의 보건과 의료, 그리고 노동자・민중의 삶에 마땅한 보호조치 보장을 위한 투쟁을 강화할 것이다>고 결의했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

             Published Surveys on occupational accidents in Bangladesh revealed the unspeakable and continuous crime that is taking place in the workplaces.  According to the data, in 2021 the number of deaths in accidents in the workplaces increased, despite the 5-months covid-19-related restrictions in work.
            There were more than 399 reported accidents in the whole country with several hundreds of victims. The combined data from the surveys show that in the transport sector at least 319 workers lost their lives in road crashes, 138 workers died in construction sector workplaces, 116 were killed in the manufacturing sector, 147 workers died in the service sector and 95 workers from the agriculture sector were added in the endless occupational accident death toll of 2021. Among them, there were the 52 workers who burnt to death due to the fire in a five-story food and beverage factory in Rupganj outside Dhaka, in which it was reported that the main exit of the factory was locked from the inside.  The total number of casualties that includes the dead and the critically injured workers is more than 1500.
            However, the official data and the surveys do not show the whole picture since there are unlisted occupational accidents, especially in the informal sector. Moreover, the reports and the surveys do not include the work-related accidents that take place outside the workplaces such as the fatal accidents during the transportation of workers from/to work.
            The World Federation of Trade Unions expresses its internationalist solidarity with the people of Bangladesh that another year mourned hundreds of its children who were killed, struggling to earn their livelihood. We will strengthen our struggle for health and safety in all workplaces all over the world and for adequate safety measures in all aspects of life.
The Secretariat
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