Home 노동 국제 세계노총보도 <유럽의회의 쿠바에 대한 제재압박에 반대>

세계노총보도 <유럽의회의 쿠바에 대한 제재압박에 반대>

15일 세계노총이 <16일 열린 유럽의회총회에서 인권침해, 민주주의와 법치에 관한 토론에 쿠바정세에 관한 토의가 있었다>라며 <이는 쿠바에 대한 적대적인 정치적 공세임을 밝히려 한다. 세계노총은 유럽의회에 참석하는 당들에 쿠바에 대한 제재압박정책에 반대할 것을 호소한다>고 보도했다. 

보도는 유럽의회에서 쿠바정세에 관한 논의가 <쿠바민중을 대표하지 않는 시민단체가 주장하는 상황이 논쟁을 뒷받침하는 구실로 이용된다는 점>, <워싱턴이 지난 20년동안 쿠바침략・전복프로그램에 2억5000만달러를 지출한 점>, <주요 목적이 쿠바의 정권교체에 있다는 점> 등을 비판했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

On Thursday, December 16, in the plenary session of the European Parliament, as part of the debates on cases of violations of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, it was approved to discuss a point on the situation in Cuba.
In this sense, we put at your disposal the following considerations, which provide elements on this new political maneuver against Cuba. We would appreciate your support in denouncing this fact and that the members of the European Parliament of your party vote against the negative resolution that will be presented on Cuba:
– The alleged situation of a group of citizens, who are not defenders of human rights in Cuba and do not represent the majority of the Cuban population, is being used as a pretext to support the debate.
– These are persons who respond to the interests explicitly stated by the US government. According to public data, Washington has spent nearly 250 million dollars on programs of aggression and subversion against Cuba in the last two decades.
– Cuba is the target of a script for a soft coup. Agents in the service of the US government serve this purpose by promoting plans to generate a confrontation between the population and the Cuban government.
– The main objective of their actions is to “bring about regime change in Cuba”; to subvert the internal order and destabilize the country at any cost. (More detailed information on some of them can be found below).
– The Cuban authorities have publicly denounced that some of those persons are mercenaries, salaried agents in service of a foreign power. This is a crime in Cuba and in many states in the world, including European countries.
– It has also been proven that one of these mercenaries has even assailed himself in order to simulate a violation of his rights.
– Some of them have also openly called for military intervention in Cuba and for strengthening of the US government’s blockade measures against the island, even in the midst of the pandemic, knowing its terrible effect on the daily life of the Cuban people.
– It is well known that the United States Government frequently uses people with a long record of criminality and violent behavior in order to promote chaos, to create a narrative of violence and repression, supported by a well-funded and articulated media network, and to implement its subversive policy against Cuba. US government officials have made no secret of their complicity. The Cuban authorities have made public sufficient evidence in this regard.
– Cuba has been object of debates in three of the last six plenary sessions of the European Parliament. It is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that has been discussed so much in this period.This shows how singularized and how manipulated is the human rights issue. At the same time, it shows the double standards of those who use it with an outstanding political background.
– None of the latest resolutions approved on Cuba have the minimum decency to mention the impact of the criminal economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the US government for over six decades, which has been intensified in a genocidal and premeditated manner in the midst of this pandemic.
– If the MEPs who have promoted this new anti-Cuban manoeuvre were really interested in the human rights of the Cuban people, they would first denounce the flagrant and systematic violation represented by the implementation of the blockade.
– Its extraterritorial effects have also a huge impact in the interests of European companies and citizens that Members of the European Parliament should represent.
– It is a curious coincidence that this debate is taking place just as US Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Menendez, known for their anti-Cuban attacks and initiatives, send a letter to the High Representative calling for an end to the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between Cuba and the European Union and its Member States.
– The current situation in Cuba is marked by two pandemics: COVID 19 and the blockade, which also suffocates and kills.
– Despite this, and with the scarce resources available to the country, Cuba has been able to produce its own vaccines; thanks to which 90% of our population has already been vaccinated. Cuba became the first country in the world to vaccinate infants over the age of two years some time ago. This and many other realities are what should be exposed in a debate on Cuba.
José Daniel Ferrer:
He is a paid agent in service of the US. Ferrer himself has acknowledged he receives funding from various sources, including the Cuban American National Foundation, which in turn receives funding from the White House.
He has a criminal record dating back to 1993 – long before he began his mercenary activity – for public disorder and physical violent assaults on other citizens, including women.
Through the following link (minute 1.25): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4iOwLeJcSo you can see how he has come to self-harm in order to present himself as a victim whose human rights have been violated.
Yunior García Aguilera:
A playwright whose critical works were never censored in Cuba and who was never expelled from his place of work.
In fact, during the pandemic, while the world’s artistic sector was hard hit, the strange Cuban “dictatorship” allocated part of its scarce resources to provide allowances to Cuban artists, including Yunior García.
Until his voluntary departure of Cuba, he remained engaged by Ministry of Culture, and did not stop receiving the allowance of the Cuban government for artists throughout the pandemic, not even during the months of anti-government political unrest, when he did not work either, except to subvert the established order in Cuba.
There is evidence of his participation in courses and workshops abroad, whose main objective was to prepare him as a “key actor” to bring about “regime change” in Cuba.
A Cuban state security agent, in a video that can be viewed through the following link: https://youtu.be/qL2uO70bTxc , showed evidence that Yunior’s objective was to penetrate and seek confrontation between the Cuban people and the Army.
There is public evidence of phone calls with the notorious terrorist Ramón Saúl Sánchez, recognized as such by the US press.
His cynicism and immoral character reached its climax when in November he called for a march, just as he was packing his bags and arranging his departure for Spain.
Maykel Castillo Pérez (Osorbo):
Citizen with a criminal record. He has been prosecuted for the crimes of robbery, theft, contempt of court and assault. This year he was also charged with the crimes of attack, public disorder and evasion of prisoners or detainees, which he committed on 4 April 2021.
He has publicly called for a military intervention in Cuba and for the tightening of the blockade imposed to Cuba by the United States for over 60 years. Statements can be seen from minute 6 on the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7lji1oR6ak
Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara:
He has a long record of provocations, encouraged and supported by Ms. Mara Tekach, during her service as Chargée d’affaires at the US embassy in Havana. Among the politicians he admires are Congressmen who have pushed for the tightening of the genocidal blockade against Cuban people.
He has been accused of provocative and offensive acts against the Cuban flag. On 9 August 2019, under the pretext of a performance entitled Drapeau (flag), he attached the Cuban flag on his half-naked body to carry out daily activities such as brushing his teeth, bathing, going outside and even defecating with it on his shoulders, while documenting the process in photos and violating article 16 of the Cuban National Symbols Act.
In November 2020, together with other members of the so-called San Isidro Movement, he pretended to go on a hunger and thirst strike, to demand the release of another member of the movement, who was sentenced to eight months in prison for contempt of court. Although they claimed to be on a hunger and thirst strike, their Internet transmissions showed they were receiving provisions such as water, unprocessed food, rice, sugar, beans, peas, coffee and peanut grains, as well as beer and other supplies.
There is evidence of his mercenarism. He has a contract with the US National Democratic Institute, a subcontractor to organizations with a long history of securing funds for subversion in Cuba. This institute pays him approximately a thousand dollars a month to carry out subversive activities.
His reality shows depict the existential and cultural degradation of his group and the link with Miami terrorists, who have carried out violent actions against Cuba.
Live broadcasts of this so-called Movement have served, for instance, to greet terrorists such as William González Cabrera, who is responsible for financing actions against facilities and establishments in Cuba, such as the attempted arson fire of a cafeteria, a barbershop and a supplies shop. Another member of the group asked about actions that would be carried out with Molotov cocktails.
Aymara Nieto:
Member of the Ladies in White, a counter-revolutionary group that receives support and funding from the US government to carry out activities against the Cuban government.
They have been characterized by their demands for a “heavy hand against Cuba”. This group urges the US to tighten the economic blockade and the European Union to return to the sanctions of the so-called Common Position. Therefore, these persons don’t really care if the Cuban people is harmed or damaged.
The internal contradictions of this group have been made public, mostly due to the dubious distribution of the substantial funds they receive from abroad. For each action they carry out, each participant receives money; they are salaried employees of the US government, as can be seen in the following link: https://youtu.be/uZEaWwQpZeo
Carlos Serpa Maceira, an agent of the Cuban Security Services, revealed after many years of undercover work as the official spokesman for the Ladies in White, that the main economic support of this group is a foundation based in the United States, under the leadership of terrorist Santiago Álvarez, one of the subordinates Luis Posada Carriles, a confessed assassin.
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