Home 노동 국제 세계노총성명 <이주민들의 삶이 제국주의간의 반목에 수단시 되고있다>

세계노총성명 <이주민들의 삶이 제국주의간의 반목에 수단시 되고있다>

11일 세계노총이 성명을 통해 <벨라루스와 폴란드의 국경에서 매일 수천의 이주민들, 피난민들이 벨라루스・러시아와 유럽연합・미국・나토의 지정학적 대립에 의해 테니스공과 같은 취급을 받으며 그긴장도가 높아지고 있다>고 발표했다. 

성명은 <아프리카나 중동지역의 나라들에서 이주민이 된 수백의 민중들 가운데 100명중 7명 꼴로 폴란드국경에 갇혀 죽음에 이르기까지 하고 있다>라며 <유럽연합과 나토는 폴란드-벨라루스국경에서 벌어지는 있는 일에 개입하고,  제국주의간 반목에 이용되고 있는 수천의 이주민・피난민들의 문제를 <다룰> 준비가 돼 있다고 말했다>고 지적했다. 

이어서 <제국주의자들이 벌여놓는 연속적인 전쟁을 피하기 위해 무고한 민중들이 수천의 피난민대열에 합류하며 육지에서, 바다에서 죽음에 이르고 있으며 이는 분명히 사고가 아니라 범죄다>라며 <이주민・피난민들은 유럽연합・미국・나토의 공격적이고 침략적인 제국주의정책에 의해 현재의 지위를 강요받고 있다>고 비판했다. 

세계노총은 <제국주의침략중단!>, <모든해외주둔기지철거!>를 요구했다. 

다음은 전문이다.

The tension on the Belarusian border with Poland is intensifying every day at the expense of thousands of stranded migrants and refugees who are treated like a tennis-ball in the EU – USA – NATO geopolitical confrontation with Belarus and Russia.
Hundreds of people – mostly from African and Middle Eastern countries – have tried to cross the Polish border. At least seven migrants, out of the hundreds trapped in the border area, have died.
With the pretext of these events, the EU and NATO express their readiness to intervene on the Polish-Belarusian border in order to “deal with” the thousands of refugees and migrants caught up in the geopolitical antagonism.
Brussels’ interest in refugees and migrants can only be described as hypocritical, when in other countries such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, etc. it is imprisoning thousands of people in prison camps under its agreements.
In the context of this debate, an attempt is being made to keep the real perpetrators of the drama of refugees and migrants in the dark once again, which we are currently witnessing at the Belarus-Poland border, which we have been witnessing for years in the Aegean, which we have been witnessing in Spain a few months ago.
The same people who turn peoples to refugees with their wars and their agreements sometimes appear as saviours and sometimes prepare for military action and new sanctions that will bring new suffering to the peoples. These innocent people are added to the thousands of refugees who die in the land or sea to avoid the consequences of the wars generated by the imperialists, they are not accidents, they are crimes. Immigrants and refugees are forced into this position by the imperialist policies of NATO, the United States and the European Union, through their aggressiveness and intervention
The WFTU calls the peoples of countries to be alarmed: they have no interest in the bargaining of their governments. Solidarity with the oppressed means fighting against the causes that drive them out of their countries, fighting against the imperialist interventions in which the EU, USA and NATO are leading.
We demand:
Stop the imperialist interventions
Withdrawal of the occupying armies
The Secretariat
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